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 영문-영어과 Faculty
Ki-heon Nam
English literature (Novel)
Ph. D. in English, 1998, University of Tulsa, USA
Research Areas
Modern British and American Fictions, Cultural Studies, James Joyce, Popular Culture
Journal Papers
◾ ‘Khaki Hamlets’ and ‘The Absent Minded Beggar’: The Boer War in Joyce’s Ulysses, James Joyce Journal, vol.27 No.1 pp.149~175, 2021남기헌
◾ James Joyce, the "Wonder Worker," and Inventions, James Joyce Journal, vol.25 No.2 pp.83~104, 2019남기헌
◾ Joyce’s Comic Relief: Comics and Popular Magazines in Finnegans Wake, James Joyce Journal, vol.20 No.2 pp.75~91, 2014남기헌
◾ 『 위대한 개츠비』에 나타난 대중문화 담론, Studies in Modern Fiction, vol.20 No.3 pp.383~418, 2013남기헌
◾ Joyce's Body Politics in Ulysses, James Joyce Journal, vol.19 No.2 pp.29~51, 2013남기헌
◾ Reading Ulysses as a Journal, 인문언어, vol.13 No.2 pp.137~160, 2011남기헌
◾ “Dirty Cleans”: 조이스, 음란성, 그리고 검열, 제임스조이스저널, vol.17 No.1 pp.135~163, 2011남기헌
Conference Papers
“Joyce's Comic Relief: Cartoons, and Popular Magazines in Finnegans Wake"
2013 Ellak International Conference
" 'nat language': Joyce, Language, and Irish Nationalism"
2013 Shanghai International James Joyce Symposium
◾ 남기헌, "Khaki Hamlets" and "The Absentminded Beggar: the Boer War in Joyce's Ulysses, 2020 ELLAK International Conference, 온라인, 2020남기헌
◾ 남기헌, James Joyce, the Wonder Worker, and Inventions, Narrating Rights: Literary Texts and Human, Nonhuman, Inhuman Demands, 서울대 호암회관, 2017남기헌
◾ 조이스의 율리시스에 나타난 보어전쟁과 제국주의, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.남기헌
◾ 조이스, 원더 워커, 그리고 발명, 산학협력단, 2017.09.~2018.08.남기헌
◾ SeoulTech 2016-2020 발전계획, 산학협력단, 2015.09.~2016.02.남기헌
◾ T.S. 엘리엇과 대중문화, 산학협력단, 2014.06.~2016.02.남기헌
◾ 『피네간스 웨이크』에 나타난 만화와 대중잡지, 산학협력단, 2014.06.~2015.02.남기헌
◾ 조이스, 사진, 그리고 영화, 산학협력단, 2014.06.~2016.02.남기헌
◾ 교양교육과정 개편방향설정 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2014.09.남기헌
◾ 조이스의 율리시스에 나타난 몸의 정치학, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.남기헌
◾ 『위대한 갯츠비』에 나타난 대중문화, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2014.02.남기헌
◾ 감자와 차(茶): 조이스 작품에 나타난 식민지 상품, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.남기헌
Department of English Language and Literature, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6377 / Fax:+82-2-973-8349
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