MA in Linguistics at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.
PHD in Language Education at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.
- Member of the Examination Committee for the Appointment of a Secondary English Teacher
- Member of the Foreign Affairs and High School Examination Board
- National English Proficiency Test (NEAT) Application Member of the Sacrificial Committee
- EBS College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) English Listening Writer
Kang, D-H. (2003a). Focus on form instructions and L2 learners’ instructional preferences. Foreign Languages Education, 10(1), 57-82.
Kang, D-H. (2003b). Focus on form instructions in terms of L2 learners' perspectives. English Language Teaching, 15(1), 55-85.
Kang, D-H. (2011a). Noticing and L2 Learning in Output-based Focus-on-form. English Language Teaching 15.1. 55-85.
Kang, D-H. (2011b). Noticing and L2 Learning in Input-based Focus-on-form. Foreign Languages Education 10.1. 57-82.
◾ A Study of Form-focused Instruction on L2 Academic Vocabulary Learning, KEES, vol.23 No.4 pp.25~47, 2024강동호
◾ Effects of Form-focused Instructions on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition, Studies in English Education, vol.29 No.3 pp.1~25, 2024강동호
◾ Application of Computer Software Grammarly into Written Corrective Feedback on Low-Level EFL Learners’ Writings, The Korea Contents Association, vol.20 No.3 pp.81~87, 2024강동호
◾ A Study of Meaning-focused and Form-focused Tasks on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition of Low and Intermediate Levels, KOREAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, vol.23 pp.682~695, 2023강동호
◾ Feedback on EFL Learners’ Writing: Written Corrective Feedback vs. Reformulation, Secondary English Education, vol.16 No.3 pp.121~137, 2023강동호
◾ Effects of Single Translation Marginal & Multiple-Choice Glosses on L2 Academic Vocabulary Learning, KOREAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, vol.22 pp.1417~1427, 2022강동호
◾ An Exploratory Study of Tasks & Glosses on L2 Academic Vocabulary Learning, KOREAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, vol.22 pp.1300~1312, 2022강동호
◾ Effects of Multiple-Choice Glosses & Frequency on L2 Academic Vocabulary Learning in Korea*, KOREAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, vol.22 pp.695~705, 2022강동호
◾ Lexical frequency profile & vocabulary size in Korean adult EFL learners’ writing genre, kasell, vol.21 pp.969~980, 2021강동호
◾ 2021년 EBS 연계교재와 대학수학능력시험의 듣기 및 읽기 지문의 어휘 범위, 중등영어교육, vol.14 No.2 pp.33~47, 2021강동호
◾ The effects of repetition & generation on Korean EFL adult learners’ vocabulary learning, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, vol.21 pp.44~55, 2021강동호
◾ The effects of repetition & generation on Korean EFL adult Learners’ vocabulary learning, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, vol.2021 No.21 pp.44~55, 2021강동호
◾ Vocabulary Analysis of Listening and Reading Texts in 2020 EBS-linked Textbooks and CSAT, Journal of The Korea Contents Association, vol.20 No.10 pp.679~687, 2020강동호
◾ Examining the relationships between reading and writing in English: Focusing on the moderating effects of English grammar and vocabulary ability and specialization area., Secondary English Eucation, vol.13 No.3 pp.51~75, 2020강동호
◾ The effects of task-induced involvement on l2 academic word acquisition in korea, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, vol.2020 No.20 pp.141~156, 2020강동호
◾ Role of Input and Output Task-induced Involvement in Korean EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning, Foreign Languages Education, vol.27 No.1 pp.23~43, 2020강동호
◾ 영어 뉴스 미디어 활용 딕토글로스 활동 수업이 EFL 학습자의 영어듣기 능력에 미치는 영향, 중등영어교육, vol.12 No.3 pp.201~220, 2019강동호
◾ The effects of dictogloss activities using English news media on EFL learners’ listening proficiency, Secondary English Education, vol.12 No.3 pp.201~220, 2019강동호
◾ 한국 고등학교 영어학습자의 형태초점교수법 시기와 개인차, Secondary English Education, vol.12 No.2 pp.127~141, 2019강동호
◾ Timing of form-focused instruction and individual differences in Korean EFL high school contexts, KASEE, vol.12 No.2 pp.127~141, 2019강동호
◾ Individual Differences of Korean University Students in L2 Motivational Self System, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, vol.17 No.3 pp.581~601, 2017강동호
◾ EFL Learner and Teacher Beliefs about Grammar Learning in Korea, 영어교육, vol.72 No.2 pp.51~69, 2017강동호
◾ 한국 중등학교 학생과 교사의 영문법 학습과 오류수정에 관한 믿음, 중등영어교육, vol.10 No.2 pp.9~20, 2017강동호
◾ Korean high school students’ and teachers’ opinions about grammar learning and error correction, Secondary English Education, vol.9 No.3 pp.59~76, 2016강동호
◾ 원어민과 한국인 영어교수자의 대학교 영문법수업과 오류분석에 관한 견해, 영어학, vol.16 No.2 pp.266~284, 2016강동호
◾ L2 Motivation and Self-Determination in Korean EFL University Contexts, Foreign Languages Education, vol.23 No.1 pp.1~20, 2016강동호
◾ The Effect of Comprehension- and Production-based Instructions on Vocabulary Learning of Korean Primary Students, 중등영어교육, vol.8 No.4 pp.45~67, 2015강동호
◾ 한국 대학생의 영어 학습동기에서 성별 차이점, 영어학, vol.15 No.2 pp.305~325, 2015강동호
◾ 제 2언어 자아체계에서 본 한국대학생의 영어 학습동기와 능력, Secondary English Education, vol.8 No.2 pp.79~102, 2015강동호
◾ L2 Motivation and Its Effects on Motivated Behavior in Korean University Contexts, 인문논총, vol.36 pp.23~42, 2015강동호
◾ A Cross-Sectional Study of L2 Motivational Change in Korean EFL College Contexts, Foreign Languages Education, vol.21 No.3 pp.27~49, 2014강동호
◾ Task Types and L2 Learner Proficiency in the Process-oriented Motivation, Secondary English Education, vol.8 No.3 pp.3~21, 2014강동호
◾ translation, audiovisual translation, subtitling, dubbing, translation studies, Korean film, STEM Journal, vol.15 No.2 pp.35~50, 2014강동호
◾ EFL task motivation in the process-oriented framework, 중등영어교육, vol.7 No.1 pp.15~29, 2014강동호
◾ Grammar Tasks and Learner Preferences, Foreign Languages Education, vol.20 No.4 pp.153~174, 2013강동호
◾ The Differential Effects of Input and Output Instructions on Noticing and Learning, 현대영미어문학, vol.31 No.3 pp.1~21, 2013강동호
◾ A teaching and learning model for developing a speaking skill in Korean EFL secondary schools: A case study, 현대영미어문학, vol.30 No.3 pp.1~21, 2012강동호
◾ A pedagogical model of teaching reading and writing skills in Korean EFL secondary schools: A case study, Seondary English Education, vol.5 No.2 pp.97~119, 2012강동호
◾ Noticing and L2 Learning in the Output-based Focus-on-form, 영어교육연구, vol.23 No.3 pp.1~16, 2011강동호
◾ Noticing and L2 Learning in Input-based Focus-on-form Instruction, Foreign Languages Education, vol.18 No.2 pp.29~49, 2011강동호
◾ The Pedagogical Applications of Focus-on-form in Teaching English through Movies, 영상영어교육(STEM Journal), vol.11 No.2 pp.3~22, 2010강동호
◾ A study on process-oriented L2 motivation in Korean college classrooms., Foreign Languages Education, vol.17 No.1 pp.79~107, 2010강동호
◾ Process-oriented L2 Motivation in Content-based Instruction (CBI), 영어교육연구, vol.22 No.1 pp.45~66, 2010강동호
Kang, Dongho. (2004). The effects of focus-on-form instruction on grammatical competence in context of on-line CMC. ASIA C@LL. 2004. 11. 25.
Kang, Dongho. (2004). The effects of input-centered and output-centered instructions and WTC on korean primary school leaners' learning. IATEFL China. 2004. 5. 24.
Kang, Dongho. (2004). The immediate vs. delayed effects of focus-on-form instructions on grammatical competence. ASIA TEFL. 2004.11.06.
◾ Dongho Kang, A study of focus-on-form and focus-on-formS on L2 vocabulary learning, The evolving and changing status of English in the world, 고려대학교, 2024강동호
◾ 1, A study of focus-on-form and focus-on-formS on L2 vocabulary learning, Back to Basics in the Age of AI: Balancing Technology and Traditional Teaching Methods, 여수 라마다 호텔, 2024강동호
◾ Dongho Kang, Effects of Types of Glosses & Languages on Academic Vocabulary Learning in Korean University Contexts, “ELT for the Future: Navigating the Possibilities”, The Ambassador Hotel Bangkok, Thailand, 2023강동호
◾ 강동호, EFL students' and teachers' beliefs about grammar learning and error correction in Korean secondary schools, 2017 MMSEE Joint International Conference, 경인교대, 2017강동호
◾ 강동호, Student & Teacher Opinions Concerning Grammar Learning and Error Correction in Korea, Foreign Language Education and Policy, 한국외국어대학교, 2016강동호
◾ 강동호, The KATE Ethics Standards for Research & Publication, Action reserach: Concepts, Methods, and Skills, 한남대학교, 2016강동호
◾ 2, 이해중심 수업과 발화중심 수업이 한국초등학생의 어휘학습에 주는 효과 비교연구, Future-driven foreign languages education: Cultivating humanities' core competency, 숙명여대, 2015강동호
◾ Kang, Dongho, The effects of L2 motivational self system on motivated behavior in Korean college contexts, Shaping the past, leading the future of English education in Korea: KATE 50th Anniversary, The K-Hotel, 2015강동호
◾ Dongho Kang, Motivational change and its effects on motivated behaviors in Korea, PAC@Thailand TESOL 35th International Conference, 방콕, 2015강동호
◾ 교육과정 개정에 따른 말하기 쓰기 영어교육, New directions in English education in Korea: From Curriculum to assessment, 목원대학교, 2011강동호
◾ Noticing and L2 learning in focus-on-form, New directions for teaching English: promoting learner autonomy and authenticity for global communic, 부산외국어대학교, 2011강동호
2002 한국학술진흥재단 신진교수연구과제: Korean Primary school EFL readers' intertextual meaning making processes and motivation among the multiple stories.
2003년도 한국학술진흥재단 선도연구과제. The Effects of Focus on Form Instructions & L2 Learners' WTC on Grammatical Competence in context of on/off line CMC.
◾ 한국 고등학교 영어학습자의 형태초점교수법 시기와 개인차, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.강동호
◾ 한국 영어 학습자의 관점에서 본 통합과 분리 형태초점교수법, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.11.강동호
◾ 한국 고등학교 학생과 교사의 영문법과 오류수정견해에 관한 정성적 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.11.강동호
◾ 한국 중등학교 학생과 교사의 영문법 학습과 오류수정에 관한 믿음, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2017.12.강동호
◾ EFL learner and teacher beleifs about grammar learning in Korea, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2017.12.강동호
◾ 2017년 대학의 평생교육체제 지원사업, 미래융합대학, 2017.06.01.~2017.12.31.강동호
◾ 한국외국어 학습상황에서 본 학습동기 자아 체계, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2016.02.강동호
◾ 이해와 발화중심의 수업이 한국초등학생 어휘학습에 주는 효과, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2015.12.강동호
◾ 한국대학생의 영어 학습동기에서 성별 차이점, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2015.12.강동호
◾ Test of L2 Self-motivation in EFL college contexts, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.강동호
◾ Task types & L2 learner proficiency in theprocess-oriented motivation, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.강동호
◾ Developmental Aspects of the Ideal L2 Self in EFL contexts, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.강동호
◾ EFL Motivation in the Process-oriented Framework, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.강동호
◾ Grammar tasks and learner preferences, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.03.강동호
◾ 영어 말하기 교수·학습 모형 : 한국 중등학교 사례 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.강동호
◾ 영어 읽기·쓰기 교수 모형 : 한국 중등학교 사례연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.강동호